Did you know that this week we are celebrating the National Staffing Employee Week?  

According to the American Staffing Association, this week celebrates the “contributions of the millions of individuals employed by U.S. staffing agencies each week.” The National Staffing Employee Week this year is from 09/14 until 09/20 and is an opportunity for Staffing agencies to thank all their temporary and contract workers, who are their greatest assets.  

But why is thanking our employees so important? 

Although many leaders don’t recognize it, a simple thank you could change the day of an employee, and the lack of it could lead to an unmotivated staff which could even contribute to higher staff turnover.  

Giving thanks does not demand any effort and it is not only good for the team but also the person saying it. A few seconds is what is needed to change your working scenario. Gratitude will certainly inspire the employees reflecting directly on their work productivity.  

Besides, it will impact on their view of their workplace. Talents who feel that their work is being recognized, tend to classify their work environment as motivating, innovating, and inspiring.  

All of these means that companies that thank their employees are able to retain even more their talents, as the lack of work recognition is one of the biggest responsible for staff resignation. People want to work for a company that values their job and by thanking the employees you can show how grateful you are for their effort. 

Frontall would like to take this opportunity to thank all our temporary and contract workers for everything you have done and wish all your generosity return to you multiplied in the form of great realization.  

There is no doubt that you are the key to our company’s success and we wish you a life full of joy, love, and health so you can continue leading us towards great achievements. 

Thank you.